Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm blaming the Greens...

Oh No! It's not my fault that I'm 28 and still living at home. The Green party’s first major initiative in government could spell disaster for my plans (if I had any) to finally get away from my parents and buy my own home. All new houses and apartments built from next July will have to use solar panels or wood pellet stoves. Apparently it’s all part of a drive to cut carbon monoxide emissions by 40%. All well and good but how much will this cost? A whopping 15,000euro on top what we’re already expected to pay for a house.

So this is the thanks I get for voting Green this year – I even felt sorry for the much maligned deputy leader Mary White when some thugs burnt out a car in her front yard. ‘’Poor Mary’’, I thought. ‘‘I’ll give her my vote – she could do with some cheering up and the extra salary might buy her a decent suit.’’

The additional 15,000euro may not bother some people but it’s not like I’m not already struggling to clamour together the funds for a deposit as it is. Am I destined to live with Mam and Dad forever? Will I Perpetually live like a teenager even though I’m nearly thirty? Perhaps not. Tom Parlon from the Construction Industry Federation says we don’t even have the technical capacity to implement this new energy plan anyway. Good ole inefficient Ireland. I reckon we’re all safe for another couple of years on this one. Hurrah!

1 comment:

aisha said...

Subaru Outback Turbo
I enjoyed your post. It’s a lot like college – we should absorb everything we can but ultimately you need to take what you’ve learned and apply it.